Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why the blog?

I was asked to write about my life since the onset of colon cancer. So...

Summer 2008 -  exhausted,  worried for my oldest brother CE - who spent most of that summer in the hospital in AZ. Working too many hours.  Loving my work, but missing too much time with my own family, and trying to be there for CE at the hospital, help run interference for creditors and doctors and help him negotiate the maze of medical land.
New heart murmur. Cardiac workup normal. It must be the stress.
My brother died on 8/31/08.  It must be the grief. 
My mom died 12/27/08.  It must be the grief.
April 09 - heart pounding walking up the stairs - even more exhausted. Cannot even hike to the start of the trail head of Piestewa Peak. Cannot imagine living another year like this, I tell my husband.
Dr. Lucas checked labs -  hemoglobin was 6.2.  Not good. At all.  Should be twice that much.
May 18, 09 - diagnosed with colon cancer.  May 26 - diagnosed uterine cancer, too.


  1. As I said before.....WOW so a bit a stress??? What grief/loss??? THANKS for beginning this blog. I will be a regular follower. Are you open to including other followers from the AFBHN? People just want to know and want to stay in contact with you.

  2. happy to have anyone read this who might be interested. thanks thanks thanks

  3. Hi Gus, Thanks so much for doing this! There's a bunch of us who are wondering how you're doing. This way we'll be able to cheer you on, pray when needed, celebrate your successes and just plain let you know we're thinking of you.

  4. I am absolutely kicking myself because here you were suffering so, and I never noticed a thing. I have just been sitting here wondering how I could have been so self-absorbed, and when I look at the timeline, this totally coincides with my vehicle collision and subsequent recovery. Man, you miss alot when you get hit by a car! In any event, Dr. Roth, I am back now, and on your support team. Anything I can do to be of assistance, I will. My heart breaks for the loss you experienced in 2008 and the battle you have been facing bravely since 2009. My prayers are with you and your husband.
