Monday, April 4, 2011

Springtime without sunshine?

It has beeen the cloudiest, rainiest, coolest March on record.  But still beautiful.  Flowers, flowering bushes, flowering trees - as a dear friend of mine said years ago in Connecticut - "it's rather garish."  I LOVE IT!

And with late March came our 30th anniversary, and my 55th birthday - same day.  At the wedding, my mom softly sang to me: "she turned 25 in prison doin' life without parole..."   But God has given us over 30 years to bounce off each other, break off the sharp edges,  learn to show grace, and to love each other   B. is much better at this than me. I am so spoiled.  What a wonderful gift!

Oh, and particularly given the medical stuff, making it to 55 years of age is now a cause to celebrate - and I don't mean just the senior discount at Denny's.

Life right now is this weird mix of wanting to live every minute fully, and wanting to take a nap - the chemo started again, and the neulasta, which repleshes white blood cells so I don't get horrible infections,  is kicking me in the behind... and my stomach, and my muscles.     Only lasted 1/2 of yoga class.  But the CEA (carcinoembrionic antigen - a tumor marker) went way down.  YES!

Taking two classes about the Chrisian faith currently - for college credit, so it forces me to take the classes more seriously. One on "the Great Commission" has been a special delight.  The professor spent over 25 years in Nigeria, and still goes there often. He lived with the people there, sharing their joys and sorrows, farming with them, having long talks with them, often under a tree, learning to really love the people and understand their culture better than so many.  I see the new wave of the past 30 years of church missions as being a real revolution,  based on the "native" missionary movement.  Learning and respecting people's cultures and lifestyles.  Falling in love with people from very different lives. Letting them see God's love in action through one's one life. Letting all people hear, at least once, the gospel, so they can make their own decisions. And supporting new local Christians who choose to build a local, self-sustaining and self-propogating, culturally meaningful church.

Wow,  I sound like a radical.  

But I cannot help but want to share the good stuff that I have been given. And for me, being a Christian is the very best stuff.

Hope you like the pictures of the trip to the coast for our anniversary.

Gotta go - B just repaired and replaced the parts on the electronic drum set for me  - let's see what the neighbors say now!


  1. I always like the pictures. The coast is such a beautiful drive. Belated Happy Birthday to you.

  2. Gussie, you are a hoot! The classes sound interesting. 55 years, Buzz turned 55 in Feb. and we went to IHOP for the senior menu but he ended up eating off the regular menu because the senior portion was to small for Portland beach...I do remember them when we lived in Venta, Oregon. Cold but beautiful! That was when Buzz was a pastor. I had season affective disorder and I did have a light that I sat under every day. I loved the summers but the winters were a bit of a challenge. I remember when Rebekah stayed over with L. at your house. All the tents and tunnels and ups and downs were fun times for them! Thanks Bruce for being there for Gussie! Love to both of you :)

  3. Hey Dr. Roth
    My mother-in-law Joan Round and I (Carol's sister) would like to tell you how much you are missed her in AZ! We will be following your progress and know that God is the great healer and He is in control! I love that you can laugh through it all! Joy comes from the Lord!
