Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy 2011!

Long time no blog.  I apologize.

Christmas time with the kids here was wonderful beyond words. And intense. and I realized that one's  endurance is less when one is getting chemo.   I need more rest than I used to...

So my youngest left a few days ago - back to college.  I miss them so so much...  but I am proud of them all jumping into the world and choosing to really live out their passions.

 So it is just Bruce and I here, and he is working 13 hour days...    But Bruce spontaneously suggested I adopt a dog after the surgery and maybe after the chemo....  YES!!!   Gotta check the local Labrador rescue hotline.   which kind of lab this time?

Medically,  the next chemo cycle will start about a month after the liver surgery.  Liver surgery is scheduled for 2/8/11. Left hepatic resection.  Basically cutting out the left side of the liver.  It is a bigger deal medically than I expected.  (Denial can be a very comfortable place.)   I should be in the hospital 5-7 days, and get a second central line in addition to the " port" central line access that  I already have for the chemo.  And I was told to  expect at least a day or 2 in the ICU post op and physical exhaustion post op...   

So these next few weeks are about losing some weight, decreasing fat intake and exercising more to optimize liver function.  Then after the surgery doing the same as much as possible, so the liver has the chance to regenerate to full capacity. 

This is spooky. especially since my brother died of liver failure related to fatty liver and obesity...  But I am not him.  and I do not look good in orange. and I have not had 4-5 heart attacks by age 55, and I have never had diabetes... 

How I do want to be like my brother, is to reflect God's grace and peace through my actions as I go through these next weeks and months of medical stuff. To not be a whiny fussy baby.  Although at times, that does sound pretty justifiable.

Hey, there is not only a sunbreak, but a whole bunch of blue sky!!  Gotta get out and hike around..  Never waste a good crisis, er, sunbreak!

hope all is well with you -



  1. 1. Get the meth lab. He looks fun.
    2. Exercise. Eww. I am in terrible shape but took pilates, tap, ballet, jazz and hip-hop. Err, don't do the hip-hop, it was a disaster. The ballet was pretty good, it's a work-out and good for the mind, though a bit rough on the knees. Generally, the instructer allows you to alter things for your abilities. I did a couple make-up classes and was in with the 8-10 years olds!!!! Funny. All the proud parents watching...uh, yeah. If you WANT to move around a lot tap is really fun. Pilates was actually really relaxing and centering, as far as the mind goes. Jazz was the easiest but not much of a workout. That's the excersise advice from a middle-aged lazy woman. I'm glad your spirits remain in the upper regions and you have updated us. I'll be checking in on your progress, either here or through your youngster.
    Take good care my friend,

  2. I keep telling myself I'm going to start yoga... I've been really impressed with you sticking with it.
    Rachel -> wanna start yoga with me?

  3. Tina, with your schedule, are you kidding me? But, yeah, that would be great. Maybe we could do video conference with mum? Now THAT would be fun. Think about it, blending ancient Eastern, um, stuff, with mondern technology. I think I'm onto something...
