Monday, February 7, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day for healing - tonight is for whining about the bowel prep

I have just got to thank you guys for taking the time to read this blog.  It has been rather intermittent, and pretty much all Gussie-focused. But you have been gracious about that.

I have been so very blessed by God!  Physically strong despite that cancer- I did yoga for an hour today, and walked briskly for over 3 miles, took a midterm in the college class on the second half of the Old Testament.  And I absolutely loved that I got to talk to and get texts from so many precious family and friends throughout the day.  Thanks!! 

The bottom line is that God is in control - what a relief!   I am trying to do my part of getting healthy, but I totally trust the Great Physician to take care of me. It feels so nice to be so loved.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 days to surgery

So today I met with the surgeon and his team, and the pre-op people, and got examined and talked to and got blood work and an ekg...   Everyone is all excited about this... well, except me.  I am a bit ambivalent.  How about it I go to sleep now and wake up in March?

From a medical point of view, it is great to know that there is one resect-able lesion than got smaller with chemo, which puts my CURE rate post op at over 50%. So it is great news.  Just find my mind going back to the last major surgery...  This time, they told me to expect to wake up in the ICU... have to think about the benefits, about going forward, and how this surgery may allow me to get all the way better.

My husband will be allowed FMLA time off to be there, and my eldest, A, will be here from 2/13-2/16!!   So I will have great support.

The days are getting longer - over an hour longer already, compared to late  December. When the sun shines, the sky is SO blue!  And the bitter cold seems to have moved to the Midwest and the east coast - sorry for you guys!  Hope you are all staying inside, sipping coffee or hot chocolate, reading or playing board games... and not having to try to drive to work/school.

Thanks for your prayers and thoughts! God is so gracious, even when we get whiny.  Amazing.

Well, I have used up more than my share of ellipses, so....   bye for now!