Saturday, November 6, 2010

2/3 of the family is together!!!

It has been so sweet to have A and D here.  all we need are E and L  with us.  God willing, that will be at Christmas.  A and d are at the store right - so i have a few minutes to type.

Wait - I can make some FLAs of the kids (four leter acronyms) -  LEAD or DALE or DEAL or...

So it's  day two of second cycle of chemo. 
The acute neurotoxicity is worse this time around - sharp needle like pains in fingers and toes with and cold or with touch, and who knows what it is doing to my mental status.  So typing is an electrifying experience today. 

So back to the story of how I got here, part 2:

So with a week's notice from diagnosis of colon cancer to diagnosis of uterine cancer to a colon resection last year, with seeing patients during that week, wrapping up loose ends at work,  helping my family and friends deal with whatever may come, I could safely be in denial myself.

And family and friends WERE so there for me.  I will never forget the may kind acts from you all during that time.  Like S and K at the office jumping in above and beyond the call of duty,  keeping things going office wise - they were great to me and kind and professional with my patients.

In the hospital my niece came in during an abdominal dressing change.  She saw the incision - an upside down question mark, the bottome looped arund my belly button. around my belly button. She said "a question mark - she's the Mysterious  Doctor!  No, it is upside down - La Doctora Mysteriosa!"

4 weeks later I was able to go back to full time work, and grateful  for this.  But then 2 weeks later, a robotic radical hystrectomy.  Then back to work after 2 weeks.  In both cases -  all the lymph nodes were negative -over 30 of 'em total. And no evidence of metastasis.  So losing weight and exercising had a better prognosis for preventing recurrence than chemo or radiation.

Oh, the kids are back - and i don't want to miss any any time with them.  Bye.


  1. I've been looking for other FLAs since reading your entry.....what about adding B & A? I'll let you buy a, cheap!
    Glad that A & D returned so you could stop the masochism w/ the fingers tapping on the keypad.
    It's now a few day's later...2nd round....compazine again? Hopefully not!!!!
    This all just isn't lost weight, exercising again...eating right...gave up Diet Coke!!! Sorry I shouldn't whine for you....lost it for a moment.
    Thought I'd give you a quick weather update from here 44 degrees @ 6 am & 50 degrees @ 9 pm. So we're asking ourselves is this Fall or did we just fall into winter?

  2. I agree with you Colleen, "this all just isn't right". I wish I could bear this for you. You matter. If there is there something I can do that will make it easier, please tell me.

  3. Your children and BRUCE are your"ROCK" I am so glad they could visit!
