Friday, November 12, 2010

Health and healing

Sorry about not posting in so long.   Some side effects from chemo,  and some laziness, and mostly missing A and D  (not the ointment, the kids.)

I have started doing yoga.  Great teacher, 3 days a week at the gym.  It is so different from my previous approach to exercising - you know, attack the activity, pummel your body, it has got to hurt to build strength.  This yoga stuff is slow and controlled.   I kept waiting for the "real" exercise to begin.  But it IS a workout.

So as I was leaving the gym today, I realized that my long term relationship with my own body has been pretty cold.  Maybe abusive.  Ignoring needs like sleep.  Stuffing down lots of sodas and other caffeine to stay awake. Then stuffing myself with way too much junk food to stuff down any feelings that might try to slip out.  Trying to be invisible to myself.  Be a human doing, not a human being. 

Since I got sick in September, I have been changing this. With some tremendous help from my sister C, get this - I am eating healthy, and sleeping at night, resting when I am tired, trying to respect my body as a gift from God, rather than a shameful burden.

Consequently, now while getting chemo, this is the best I have felt in years. 


  1. Great job taking care of yourself! Miss ya... you are present in my thoughts, my prayers and in my heart

  2. It's interesting what blessings we can receive from hardship! Kudos to you for forging a new relationship with your body.

  3. There is always a silver lining, isn't there? Keep on taking care of yourself and know that you are missed

  4. Hi Gussie, well I have no excuse, no chemo brain nada! I have tried thrice, yes 3x to comment and somehow it just will not post. However, you all may be laughing and saying look at that Lyn she has repeated herself now again!
    So to try again -
    Hi Gus, miss your smiling face: miss our spontaneous Monday am hellos! I am soooo thankful for your connection to your great strong body. I too need to continually pay more attention to my bod, You were the first to always remind me that I am a human "being"! Stay strong, fight this, God is giving you the and the fam are all in my prayers.

  5. Hey it worked...there is HOPE!!

  6. Any of us could benefit from your insights on healthy life styles. I especially can relate to the issue of eating junk food! I am so glad CJ could give you some useful healthy eating+living tips.

    Looking forward to odur DEC visit Uncle Ron and Aunt CJ

  7. Why is it that a hard kick in the hind end is required for self love and nurturance to begin??? You have ALWAYS given so much of yourself to others now is the difficult task of ME TIME!!!
    Yoga is a subtle, slow kicker. I am so with ya that the hard driving personalities are really challenged with the slow, deliberate physical journey with yoga. I've come to really love it but must admit that I am not as disciplined as some to maintain the daily commitment.
    Yoga has definitely permitted me the opportunity to sit with the moment & breathe. Nowadays instead of Yoga imagine me shoveling horse manure, early morning sunrise and breathing deeply, okay not tooooo deeply! I can only imagine where your creative brain will take that image. ENJOY

  8. Hi Gussie, I happened to run into Andrea C. at Target in the Foothills and she shared with me about your cancer. I am so sorry for your losses. For me, after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, my life changed for the better! I have now been in remission for four years due to God's work in my life, removing unhealthy ways and people from my life, and making a change in my diet(Vegan - juicing almost every day for the past four years). For the last four years I have controlled everything I could and now God is showing me that I need to let go and trust in His outcome for my life. I see how you are processing your life as you go through this journey. He is faithful through it all and He never changes. We do the changing. Love you Gussie! Buzz and I will be praying for you and your family. Say "hi" to B for us!
